A Creative Director/Art Director in advertising.

Ink Master: Rivals

How do you market Spike TV’s new Ink Master season centered on the theme of “Rivals” in OOH? We took the ambitious route of creating a live, evolving artwork on a massive Times Square billboard where two street artists dueled it out.

Ink Master

Dueling Street

Artist Billboard


How do you market Ink Master’s new season on a limited budget with a single billboard and make it stand out? Transform it into a live, evolving artwork where two street artists, LAmour Supreme and Yok & Sheryo, dueled it out over the course of a week.


Completed Graffiti Billboard


BTS Video: Making of the 400 ft. Art Piece

Yok & Sheryo's Arm Detail

Lamour Supreme's Arm Detail

Live Social Updates from Artists - Tap/Click to Read Copy

Free Tattoo Truck Outside Billboard

GCD: Jeff Kling     AD: Taylor Snyder     CW: Sarah Crist